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(Continued from page 1—start here)
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Let's keep movin'...

The really cool piece of free software Bob used is actually a website called

It’s free to sign up and you can find all of the latest domain names that have expired absolutely free.

You can get some really awesome domain names for cheap.

The domain flipping business was recently featured in an article on Business Insider.

Here’s what they said:
“There are myriad companies that make all of their profits off selling domain names, but you can get in on the action as an individual, too." — Business Insider
People buy into all those “push button easy” money-making gimmicks because they want to believe the fairy tales the gurus are telling them are true.

The truth is, it’s just a marketing ploy to get you to buy.

There are no shortcuts to success and success doesn’t happen overnight.

I can’t promise you it will be easy, but I’ve made it as easy I possibly could for you.

The days of direct-linking to affiliate offers from AdWords are over. It was fun while it lasted.

You won’t find another “arbitrage strategy” as lucrative as this one in today’s online world.

If you found yourself getting excited about what you've read so far...

Like you can totally see yourself working remotely from your laptop as a domain flipper…

Then you’re gonna LOVE what I still have to share with you.

Are you curious as to how Bob was able to sell his $1.00 domain for $700 in only 3 days?

I'm sure you are, lol! Don't worry I'll let the cat outta the bag... eventually.

You can discover how on the next page.
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